What's my deal?

Name: Mike Kirk

Age: 20

Location: Kelowna, BC

Years in Photography: 1

Camera of Choice: Nikon D90

A little about me;

At the moment my life revolves around Mountain Bikes and Photography.  I got into photography about a year ago, when I finally picked up a DSLR, and slowly grew my collection over the year adding things here and there, some big some small.  At the moment this is just a hobby of mine, but I am working towards making it more of a career.

I have been mountain biking for the past 6 years, and have worked in bike shops for 4 of those years.  I live for the thrill of blasting down the mountain as fast as I possibly can, or taking a jump to get that feeling of being weightless.   After 6 years of riding, my passion for it hasn’t gone away… at all.  But I wanted to add something to the mix, photo’s, capturing what the mountain biking world has accomplished and put it out there for people to see and admire.

The whole idea behind this Blog/website is for me to have a place to post my photo’s for everyone to see.  Along with that, myself and a friend of mine Kevin Black, decided to challenge each other with a “Photo-a-day” idea.  Forcing us to teach ourselves to be more creative, and learn new angles, hopefully in the end to help better our photo’s.  At the end of the year we will have 365 photo’s to look back on, and hopefully be able to see our improvement as the days go on.

So keep checking in daily for new photo’s.  Feel free to leave comments, thoughts or opinions, it all helps.

Mike Kirk

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