Big White Snapshots

I was up at Big White on the weekend, and met up with a few friends from town.  We made our way into the trees where the fog wasn’t quite as thick and found a few little hucks to play on.  Here’s what we got!


2011- A new start!… Again!

I haven’t been great at keeping up with my blog posts… At all.  For 2011 I’m going to put some actual effort into keeping it up to date and at least somewhat interesting and current with what I’m doing.  Over the last few months I’ve been focusing on school, and haven’t been doing much in the way of sports photography as its winter, and there isn’t much in the way of mountain biking to be done.  And I haven’t been able to make my way up to big white as much as I’d liked this year.

Basically my last few weeks have been filled with an obsession with finding new music and planning my spring trips around BC.

Matt and Kim- Cameras

Kaskade ft Dragonette- Fire in your New shoes

Lots more but no time for all of them.

In April myself and a few friends will be going down to Seattle/Bellingham for a trip to see the AMA Supercross race being held on the 16th.  We will be taking our bikes with us and making it into a Mountain Bike trip as well, riding the local Seattle/Bellingham trails, as well as North Vancouver on the drive home.  I will be documenting the whole trip, the good, the bad, the messy, and the Awesome.

As for recent months here are a few photos showcasing what I have been up to.

Mike Kirk

Long time Coming

So,  if anyone has checked this site over the past, I don’t know… we’ll just say a long time, you would have noticed I haven’t really done any Blog updates at all.  I ended up not going along with the photo a day project, not to make excuses but I just got way to busy during the summer.  I didn’t want to put up just any old random photo every day that I could take from my phone.  If I were to do this photo a day, I wanted it done right, and it became quite time consuming.

All in all I’m going to try and do some more updates over the next little while, school starts October 4th, so that will deffiantly have some interesting things coming out of it.  I will post a few photo’s in this post to show some of what I have done over the summer months, again mostly summer/action stuff, but…thats my life!


Days 54, 55, 56, 57, 58 and 59

So today is another 6 day post.  Day 54 was a quick snap at night, was a super busy day and just totally forgot to take the time to put any real effort into anything, so I took a picture of a picture…Sydney harbour, Australia.  Day 55 was a picture taken at work, of John Hodges and his new bike!  This bike is DIALED.  Day 56 was an even quicker panic snap shot as it was 11:56 and I realized I hadn’t taken a picture yet, so I just took a picture of the first thing I saw.  Day 57 I finally had some spare time to get a picture, took bowzer out for a quick little walk and made him sit still for a split second while I took the picture, hes hard to keep in one place now that he’s older and more into exploring. Day 58 I went for a quick drive up the newest Wilden sub devision, the place is the highest point in kelowna and you can see vernon from it!  Increadible view.  Day 59 I was pretty busy from watching CANADA WIN THE GOLF FRICKEN MEDAL! and a friends birthday.  Not a whole lot of time to take a picture.  Today’s picture is of my kitchen sink….yea thats right, my kitchen sink.

For some reason Day 55 of John Hodges wont upload onto the internet…at all, not onto flickr, not onto here, nothing.  I’m stumped, so once I get it to work i’ll post it.

Day 54

Day 56

Day 57

Day 58

Day 59

Day 53

Day 52 Kevin and I wen’t to the climbing gym, had a good time, got a quick snap of kevin on one of the walls.  Nothing exciting, playing with the flash as well.

Day 53

Day 52

Day 51, I was hangin out at home and bowzer was in a rediculously energetic mood, so i made him run around a bunch while i snapped some pictures.  Oh and I had to get derricks John Deer cruiser in there as well, things legit.

Day 52

Day 50 and 51!

holy hell day 51 is here already.  Day 50 is just a quick snap of Shaun, a guy I work with, his wheel that he’s selling.  Day 51 was a quick just before the end of hte day picture of my wallet in B&W.

Day 50

Day 51


Day 49

Its almost been 50 days.  Unbelievable.  Today Bryce Piwek flew into town from the coast, and is staying for the weekend!  This kid has some serious talent behind the lens, should make for a solid weekend!  I was out taking pictures with everyone up at Harry’s jumps and just couldn’t pull it together with my pictures.  So today’s picture is one of the few pictures I actually kind of liked, still not super excited, but it’ll do!

Day 49


It’s been a while!

I’ve had a fair bit on my plate lately.  And some day’s have been tough to get pictures on time.  It has been almost a week… Not impressed… but hopefully it will be worth it!  Anyways.. Onto the details.

Day 41 was pretty exciting when the new 2010 Troy Lee Design D3 Steve Peat edition came into work.  It looks awesome and has the traditional Beer splatter on it that we all know represents Peaty’s love for beer.

Day 42 happened while driving around in my Dads car for work.  Decided to take a picture of the door to pass the time.

Day 43 has a pretty good story behind it.  Not a long one, but a great one.  My cousins, Eric and Kelly have been trying to have a baby for many years.  And with Lena making the selfless act of the decade, and lending a huge hand after the fact, Eric and Kelly (and Lena) finally have a baby of their own.  Bjorn Jonas Holten Haugen was born, and I haven’t seen happier people in a long time. Congrats you guys!

Day 44 Happened pretty suddenly.  A bird flew into our window, and stunned itself.  We put him on the railing and let him chill out and collect himself, meanwhile i was busy taking close up pictures while his head was still spinning and had no clue what was happening.  The little birdy flew away, hopefully further then 20 feet…he hit pretty hard.

Day 45 was your typical Coastal weather, rain, wetness, and downpours.  I decided to get out for one last walk before the long drive back home to kelowna, and stopped at a fallen tree in the forrest and got a cool close up picture of some growth on the fallen tree.

Day 46 was taken while driving around, taking some pictures of car lights as they drove by.  This particular picture I tried to get all fancy and flipped the camera around a little bit to try and make a cool effect.  Turned out pretty sweet!

Day 47 was one of those “OH CRAP, its 5 minutes to 12 and I don’t have a picture yet!”  So Scrambling around for my camera and trying to get a quick picture in before the day was over, I took a picture of my utensil cup/holder thing.

Day 48… Well my brother left on Saturday for Australia for a month…  Benefit of that is he left his Mercedes all alone in his garage…and I have a key to his house.  So I have a nice car for a little while!  I decided to go wash his filthy car and go for a drive to take some pictures of it.  One of my favorites of the day was taken on my uncles property on Okanagan lake, right on the water front.  A close up of the lights and grill, with the lake, and city in the backround.

Finally, mega post done!  I’m going to try and keep a little more up to date and regular with my posts.

Till next time,


Day 40

It’s 11:53pm on day 40 and I just realized I hadn’t taken a picture yet.  In a scramble to get it done I decided to take a picture of the badge on my new Obey jacket.  Nothing overly exciting today, but, a picture is a picture.  And holy crap I can’t believe its day 40 already.


Day 40